

Full Time Weekly Tuition

0 months to 2 years $480

2 years to 5 years $395

5 years to 14 years $290


Part Time Weekly Tuition

0 months to 2 years $162

2 years to 5 years $130

5 years to 14 years $99


One-time Fees

Deposit Amount: $25

Registration Amount: $0


Full Time, Day Rate And Drop In

Monday through Friday 6:00am to 8:00pm.

Washington state law (WAC 388-73-402) states that "Children should not normally remain in care in excess of ten hours per day except as is necessitated by parents' working hours and travel time to and from the child care facility".

  • Full Time is a maximum of ten (10) hours of care per day, 5 days a week.

  • Part Time is a maximum of four (4) hours of care per day or a maximum of 3 days per week.

  • Drop-in is occasionally.